A new opportunity to outperform the golf hiring market
There has been a remarkable shift in what professionals are looking for in prospective employers in recent years.
Now, they’re much more likely to look beyond a salary and instead make decisions on where to work based on how their employer can provide flexibility, work/life balance, a great workplace culture and support their wellbeing.
Now is the perfect time for golf businesses to position themselves as great places to work
Outside of the USA and Mexico, there are now 13 million more golfers than in 2016, and 62.3 million people who consume the sport in some format.
In the UK & Ireland, 40% of the adult population play golf or consume golf media at least once a year. And in the USA, the category of young adults (18-34) is the sport’s biggest customer age segment.
Why does this matter?
When you consider that 50% of people dream of pursuing a job related to their hobbies, it’s clear that the potential golf industry talent pool is expanding significantly every year. Which means there are millions of prospective employees out there for the taking who either already do, or would love to, work in golf.
Quality over quantity has never been more important
What with AI-generated content, advertising and social feeds, mass creation and mass sharing has generated a volume of content that’s simply impossible to consume.
Yes, people have choice. But with too much choice comes anxiety and fatigue.
And this is the case too with careers, jobs and recruitment websites. We believe the job search should be exciting, hopeful and inspirational, but today it’s overwhelming, stressful, time consuming and dispiriting.
Beat the skills shortage
We know that golf businesses around the world are facing a growing shortage of skilled professionals - from hospitality and turf management to marketing and administration.
To succeed in this environment, clubs and companies need to stand out as top employers. By clearly demonstrating a positive workplace culture, strong leadership, and genuine support for employees’ professional growth and wellbeing, golf businesses can attract and retain the talent they need to thrive.
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